About Me

My name is Shi Feng (冯时). As of August 2023, I am pursuing my Ph.D. at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. I am privileged to be advised by Prof. Yiling Chen. Prior to this, I earned my bachelor’s degree from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences at Tsinghua University, commonly referred to as the Yao Class.

I have a broad research interest in the intersection of economics and computer science. This includes topics such as algorithmic game theory, machine learning theory, causality, and network science. Recently, my focus has shifted towards understanding the theoretical foundations of large language models (LLM).

During my undergraduate years, I was immensely fortunate to receive guidance from several kind and inspiring professors. I am deeply thankful to them:

P.S. I am currently co-leading a graduate school application team with some of my peers. We proudly offer FREE services to extraordinary students! Please refer to our brochure.